Knowing that if we are focused, we can accomplish anything – how do we stay on track with all the distractions (dis track shuns) readily available? First and foremost is realizing when we’re off-track. Some indicators are that perceptions are mostly negative, language is in the shoulda, woulda, coulda realm, and anxiety or depression is present. These are key flags that will get our attention (which is a good thing) and facilitate the change to being more present and focused in day to day living.

We cannot change anything ‘out there’ – not what ‘they’ say or do – all we have control over is our own response. Not taking things personally is a challenge we all live with on a daily basis.

Recognizing signs that we are spiraling into distraction is specific to getting back on track. When your language is “I must, I need to, I have to” – STOP. This is telling you that you’re creating your own ‘to do’ list that will never end in order to avoid something in the present. What is it you are avoiding? Is it fear of failure, success, intimacy, loss, abandonment, rejection or power?

Remembering that we choose how we perceive anything in our lives can be a challenge when our fears are up. If it feels overwhelming to even think of shifting our focus, then maybe the answer lies in finding a tool to assist us. Rapid Eye is a tool that can take the pressure off. It’s remarkable ability to discharge stress, without having to go over and over the event, is amazing in today’s world. Life shouldn’t feel like you are always “on the edge”. The ride is more neutral than that. We all have things in life that trigger us. When the triggers happen with more and more frequency, it is time to safely release some of our stress load and get back on track. Rapid Eye can help.

With patterns running in an unconscious mode, it takes us from the present moment and catapults us into the future or past. We speak and act unconsciously and the fallout can be overwhelming. Then we beat ourselves up and our energy sinks even lower. Rapid Eye Technology can access these patterns that no longer work in our lives, release them and create a new pattern of connection and support. This is done without diagnosis, drugs, or machines - it is our body’s natural process of REM sleep and a gentle, safe modality that creates dramatic change in a short amount of time.

This change happens quickly because you, the client, use your own tools rather than taking on someone else’s ideas and trying to fit your life into their box.

Claudia Bianca, MRET shares more than 11,500 clinical hours and 35 years in private practice with Energy Healing Techniques with Rapid Eye Technology. She is located in beautiful Taos, New Mexico offering ONLINE private individual sessions, and when Covid restrictions permit -- one on one sessions, Immersion programs and Reiki Attunement. Please feel free to leave a comment below and thank you.


Transform Resistance to Resilience


What is Your DESIRE?