Withholding Love Creates Physical Pain

So many things in life are confusing; it’s a good thing to have something so clearly visible for all to see. Physical and emotional pain is the language the body uses to let us know that something isn’t working. Pain is the manifestation of fear on the physical body. Fear is withholding love - sometimes from others and always from ourselves. If you have withheld your love from yourself (or others), it creates anxiety with manifests as pain and tightness in the chest. If we ignore the bodies signals… the physical manifestations will increase in intensity and volume until they get our attention.

When we feel love it creates peace and comfort in our bodies – sometimes even ecstasy when we are in love with ourselves, the world and everyone and everything in it.

When we withhold our love (especially from ourselves) it creates discomfort in the body. The volume of that discomfort can ratchet up quickly from anxiety, to panic attacks, to heart attacks and stroke. Most of our discomfort arises from our own misperceptions of the illusion of separation from others and our belief that the physical presence is who we really are.

One of the greatest challenges in our human lives is to realize we are more than our beliefs (perceptions), experiences (perception again), or physical body. We are energy… pure energy. The Universe is a mutual support system and we all have a deep need to function in a mutually supportive environment. Just look at how cell phones and social media have been embraced by humans in an effort to feel connected. It is up to US to create this environment for ourselves through our choices. Are you making choices that bring you a truly joyful life?

RET can assist you to stay out of fear, fight your way out of negative thinking and focus on the good in yourself and your life. Now is the time to create change in your life and increase your available energy. Use a Rapid Eye session to clear the old patterns acquired from family and environment that keep us on the treadmill of hesitation and fear. Experience life with new eyes, new energy and create amazing results.

Claudia Bianca, MRET shares more than 11,500 clinical hours and 35 years in private practice with Energy Healing Techniques with Rapid Eye Technology. She is located in beautiful Taos, New Mexico offering ONLINE private individual sessions, and when Covid restrictions permit -- one on one sessions, Immersion programs and Reiki Attunement. Please feel free to leave a comment below and thank you.


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